How Do You Name Your New LLC Company?

It’s worth the additional effort you’ll need to put into discovering a name that’s a good fit for your unique start-up. The correct name will do more than help to identify your company; it will likewise supply you with the base from which to build your brand and standing.

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You’ve done your study, and you know an LLC company is the correct permitted company format for your new start-up. Now comes one of the most fun—and most important—tasks of getting your new business up and running: choosing an LLC company name.
Picking the perfect company name for your new LLC company will take better than a few minutes of your time; in extra to seeing something that’s both a proper fit with your start-up ideas and has branding possibility, you also want to make sure your new LLC company name complies with legal requirements

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Even if your brain is flush with numerous possible LLC company names, the following steps will assist you in finding the best LLC name for your new start-up.

Brainstorm a list. It’s best to go via the process of selecting a business name with a list of at least five or six possible LLC company names. If the word you have your soul set on turns out to be inaccessible at the LLC company name review step, you’ll be glad to have other opportunities to turn to.

In brainstorming your list, don’t hold about or judge—aim to jot down as many potential names as you can. You may be amazed at the exciting and potentially viable terms you’ll end up with.

  1. Thin Down Your List

Once you’ve completed brainstorming, it’s time to put on your essential judgment hat. Go via your list and begin to cross off names that don’t feel entirely right. Take your time and consider every possible word carefully. You will hopefully have a list of five or six names to take to the next stage when you’re finished.

What are some considerations to keep in mind when narrowing down your list? Check out the following:

  • Is the name unique? You want to use a business name that people will remember; doing so will help your stand out from the rest of the crowd. 
  • Is the name significant? Does it tell people the kinds of goods they can buy from you or the types of services they can expect? While this certainly isn’t a consideration that should dictate whether or not a name has a place on your list of potential names, it’s something that works in a name’s favor. 
  • Is the name authentic? Having an actual character will, in most cases, trump the need for a term that describes what your business does; this is especially true if your start-up is primarily an Internet-based company or if you intend to do most of your marketing and branding online. An original name that’s also memorable can provide you with invaluable branding potential.
  1. Form Required Words or Phrases

Most forms will have a list of required words or phrases that must be incorporated as part of an LLC company name; these are typically identifiers that let people know your company is an LLC company , terms like “Limited Liability Company” or abbreviations like “LLC.” Choose the required word or phrase that works best with each of the names on your list.

  1. Eliminate Restricted Terms 

In addition to essential words, many states also have a list of words that can’t be used in an LLC company name or can only be used with permission.

For instance, you probably won’t be able to use “corporation” or “partnership” in your name, and certain words like “bank” will likely require approval from the appropriate government agency.

  1. Review LLC Name Availability

Once you own a list of potential names, you’ll need to check to ensure they’re unrestricted for you to use as your new company name. Most states prohibit LLC company names that are identical to terms of businesses currently registered with the state or phrases similar enough to a registered name to be confusing to the consumer, so checking LLC company name availability is an essential step in the process. Most states maintain a searchable online database of business name registrations you can use to check the potential names on your list.

  1. Review for Trademarks

While an LLC name search allows you to meet your state’s legal requirements for naming your LLC company , a trademark search adds an extra layer of security. There’s nothing more frustrating or challenging than running into trademark problems down the road when your company is thriving and has had time to build up a loyal customer base and a solid reputation. To bypass potential trademark challenges, do a search of each name on your list on the US Patent and Trademark Office’s trademark database; if you find a duplicate title or one that’s too similar to one of your potential names, it’s a good idea to eliminate that name from your list.

  1. Internet-Readiness

By now, you should have an acceptable idea of which names are most appropriate for your new business. To help you pick from the list of characters remaining on your list, check to see the availability of domain names for each remaining term. Don’t be disheartened if your exact name isn’t available when looking for a domain name. Variations that are similar enough to the actual title will also work. Even if you’re running a brick-and-mortar only company, chances are you’ll be staking out some authentic online heritage for marketing purposes; a good domain name will be an invaluable business asset.

It’s also essential not to ignore the social media aspects of your LLC company name. Suppose you intend to do any social media marketing. At that point, you will desire to check the availability of available usernames on each of the leading social media platforms you intend to have a presence on.

It’s worth the extra effort you’ll need to put into finding a name that’s the right fit for your new start-up. The correct name will do more than serve to determine your company; it will also provide you with the base to build your label and reputation.

How to start your LLC

  1. Please tell us your business name if you’ve picked one;
  2. Reply a few questions;
  3. We’ll conclude and file your paperwork.

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