The simplify taxation system is recalculated when the company moves to a new region


According to the legislation, now each region can have its own tax rate – in one region it can reach up to 6%, and in another it can be only 1%. Therefore, according to the new laws, a company that changes the region of activity will be able to recalculate its tax. It will depend on the region where the company has moved.

The tax will be calculated at the rate of the last day of the period. The algorithm for applying the rate will be included in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and will operate at the official level. According to the new resolution, the legislative act will be ready next year.

The amendments will help companies save money when moving, and also indicate the algorithm of actions. Now entrepreneurs will be able to independently find out the percentage of tax on the simplify taxation system and apply for a change of region, if necessary.


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