The moratorium on unscheduled and scheduled inspections of many legal entities and sole proprietors has been extended for 2024


In 2022, a moratorium on unscheduled inspections of businesses by
supervisory authorities was introduced.

The government has extended this measure for 2024 – inspections will
be carried out on a reduced number of grounds. This norm is aimed at business
development and overcoming anti-crisis measures.

An unscheduled inspection can be carried out if a violation is
detected that threatens the life and health of citizens.

Regarding scheduled inspections, their number has been significantly
reduced until 2030. Instead, a preventive visit has become enough, which cannot
be refused. Thus, educational institutions whose facilities belong to high-risk
categories are subject to a preventive visit. Speaking of industrial and
hazardous production facilities that fall under the category of extremely high
risk, they are not exempt from scheduled inspections.

The moratorium will not affect such types of inspections as
prosecutor’s and tax audits.

If a violation is detected during a preventive visit, an order will
be issued that the organization will have to comply with. Previously, orders
were issued only if the violation entails a threat to the health and life of
citizens, the defence of the country and the security of the state. Now, they
can be issued even with minor violations.


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