The mechanism of parallel import was extended for 2024


The government has decided to extend the
parallel import mechanism for the next 2024, however, the list of imported
goods under it will be consistently reduced.

The authorities report on perpetual work to
adjust both manufacturers and nomenclature, according to which Russian legal
entities reach the set amount and quality indicators, or suppliers from foreign
states require their exclusion from the list upon return.

The parallel import mechanism facilitates the
import of products without the consent of the copyright holder. It has been
operating in the Russian Federation since last year.

The list of goods subject to parallel import
includes products and materials of hundreds of foreign brands that refused to
supply their goods to the Russian Federation as a result of the implementation
of restrictions.

This list has been frequently altered by adding
new items, as well as removing previous ones from it. Regulators previously
announced the maintenance of the mechanism upon the condition of a gradual
reduction of the goods within the list. Initially, there were approximately 1.3
thousand products in the list of goods, while their current number is 300.

The authorities stated that the parallel import
mechanism “accomplished its role in stabilizing the situation on the goods
market,” however, in the future it should be used only in cases where it
is necessary. The accessibility of parallel import has led to the preference of
Russian legal entities to purchase foreign goods without producing “their personal
promising developments” and without using “the scientific and
technical potential existing in the state.”


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