In 2024 salary of HQS will change


A number of amendments have been
adopted to the migration legislation, which relate, in particular, to the
regulation of the work of highly qualified foreign specialists (HQS).

Thus, starting from March 1, 2024,
the salary of a highly qualified specialist will be increased and calculated
quarterly. Based on the amendments, salary should not be less than 750 000 Rubles
per quarter – that is 250 000 Rubles per month. Before the adoption of the new
amendments, the salary should have been at least 167 000 Rubles per month.

According to the authors of the law,
the establishment of a quarterly amount for the salary of the HQS is due to
several reasons:

  • bring the salary level of the HQS in accordance with the international standard;
  • unify quarterly reporting – notification of the salary of the HQS for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and personal income tax on personal income report for the Federal Tax Service;
  • reduce the number of disputes between employers and government agencies and avoid claims of disproportionate payment of salaries to HQS (for example, in the temporary absence of HQS).

The salary increase will not affect
the other benefits of the HQS:

  • Payment of insurance premiums will not be required;
  • The work permit will be valid for 3 years;
  • HQS has the right to file for a residence permit (residence permit), and after the amendments come into force on January 1, 2024, after 2 years of residence on a residence permit, it will be able to apply for an indefinite residence permit.


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