Some organizations will be required to implement artificial intelligence in their work


Now, in order to
receive certain types of subsidies, the authorities will be required to
introduce artificial intelligence into their business processes. This should
increase the demand for developments in the field of artificial intelligence
and help in its development in various fields. According to statistics, within
three years the business will be able to save more than one trillion rubles.

In most areas that
the state has obliged to introduce artificial intelligence, it is already
present in one way or another. An increase in the number of such enterprises
should help in optimizing transport networks, traffic control, and making
important decisions in which a cool head is needed. As stated in the bill, in
the future, the list of areas for the mandatory introduction of artificial
intelligence will be expanded.

The bill will
affect only medium and large businesses. According to the deputies, it is not
yet feasible for small businesses – too large costs are required.


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