Preferential lending to small and medium-sized businesses was extended until 2030


Lending to small and medium-sized businesses is ready to issue up to 100 billion rubles a year for the development of new projects.

The Ministry of Economic Development is working on extending the program of preferential investment loans for small and medium-sized businesses. According to the new edits, the project will be extended until 2030. Now an industrial mortgage will be issued for 10 years, that is, the term will increase by three years. Previously, the term was only 7 years.

In addition, a draft law on granting the right to credit holidays is also under development. Deferred payments will be allowed once during the entire term of the contract. Also, from 2024, subsidies from the federal budget will be introduced to repay the costs of coupon income on bonds on the stock exchange. The national project “International Cooperation and Export” will also be extended until 2030, in which small and medium-sized business segment companies that have the right to export goods and services will participate.


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