It is proposed to pay the market price of the share to the participant when leaving the LLC.

The Ministry of Economic Development has developed a draft law providing for the payment of the market value of the share of an LLC when a participant leaves the company or in case of foreclosure on the share. The draft law has been published on the government portal and is currently undergoing an anti-corruption examination.

To receive compensation at the market price for the company’s share, the participant must contact an independent appraiser to determine the price. The amount of the value of the LLC’s share is proposed to be determined not less than the price indicated by the appraiser.

At the moment, the cost of the share is determined when accounting for accounting information for the last month. Sometimes the members of the society disagree with its size and this leads to corporate conflicts. The position of the courts in such disputes is based on market value.

The changes will help entrepreneurs avoid unnecessary litigation and decide for themselves which approach can be implemented.
