Obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner in 2022.

Some categories of foreign citizens can become citizens of Russia in a simplified manner.

Last year, a draft law was prepared providing for a reduction in the number of requirements for certain groups. More than twenty categories of persons are included in this number. These are mainly citizens of the former USSR countries, their children, persons with close relatives in Russia, participants in the state program for the resettlement of compatriots to Russia. Over the past year, the number of foreign citizens who received Russian citizenship increased by 18%.

The following categories can become citizens of Russia in a simplified manner:

– married to a citizen of the Russian Federation for three years;

– having a child of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

– native speakers of Russian;

– citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine.

The simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship consists of the following stages:

1. Registration of accounting.

2. Registration at the place of residence.

3. Registration of a residence permit.

4. Formation of a set of documents and submission to the migration authorities.

5. Obtaining a passport.

Foreigners who are married to Russian citizens and have children together do not need to wait for three years. It is not required to issue a waiver of another citizenship. There is also no need to confirm income.
