Subscription legal services for businesses



Subscription service for legal entities is the transfer of part of the functions or legal affairs of a company to a professional consulting organization or an experienced lawyer. This service is used by most modern companies, including international corporations and small businesses. Subscription legal services are a form of cooperation between a law firm and a client based on regular payments for the provision of a wide range of legal services. This service usually includes consultations, preparation of documents, representation of the client’s interests in various situations, as well as providing general legal support. An important feature of the subscription legal service is its regularity and the provision of services on an ongoing basis for a certain period of time.

Types of business subscription legal services.

  • Comprehensive legal subscription service.

It is implemented on an ongoing basis within the framework of the concluded contract. The agreement guarantees the monitoring of the main business risks and the development of ways to circumvent undesirable consequences from various threats. 

  • Service without a subscription fee.

The contract fixes the cost of certain categories of services. Instead of prepayment, the customer pays for the services as they are actually used. However, it is important to clearly prescribe the terms and cost of each specific service within the framework of such cooperation in order to avoid misunderstandings and uncertainty.

  • One-time legal services, within a certain list.

The list includes collection of accounts receivable, support for the opening of a business line, support for the liquidation of a business, business structuring, bankruptcy, etc. Such services can also be provided without a list – sometimes companies provide clients with the opportunity to use legal services within the framework of one specific case or project, while offering conditions similar to subscription service, but limited in time and scope of services. This approach can be useful for those clients who do not want to enter into long-term contracts for regular maintenance, but need legal support within the framework of a specific case or project.

For whom is subscription legal service relevant?

Today, the legal service of companies is an inseparable factor of doing business to ensure the normal economic activity of the enterprise. This approach can be especially useful for clients who need continuous legal protection, but they prefer to avoid fixed monthly payments. Conducting business under a subscription agreement with law firms can suit almost everyone: 

  • LLC, JSC or sole proprietor who do not have sufficient financial resources to maintain a full-time lawyer or lawyer, and also cannot, due to financial or property problems, create a separate legal unit in the organization.
  • Companies that carry out “transparent” business activities without concealing taxes and other mandatory payments.
  • Multidisciplinary organizations whose connections affect various branches of law.
  • Large firms where specialists of different profiles work. Inviting a lawyer is more profitable than hiring a full-time employee for routine work. 

Subscription legal services for organizations are an excellent choice for small and medium–sized businesses that, as mentioned earlier, cannot organize their own legal department due to financial constraints. The service allows to reduce the cost of legal services of a full-time corporate lawyer, changing them with a service “on request” when various problems arise. 

What issues can law firms solve? 

  • Support of the transaction for the acquisition of non-residential premises.
  • Drafting contracts of various kinds.
  • Conducting claim and claim activities.
  • Interaction with government agencies.
  • Representation of the client’s interests in court.
  • Participation in negotiations with counterparties.

Advantages of subscription legal support.

Cost optimization in the context of working under a subscription agreement with a law firm is of particular importance. The emphasis on optimization in this context implies not only reducing costs, but also ensuring maximum efficiency of the legal services provided. Optimization will also affect the design of the workplace, including the cost of buying furniture, office equipment and software. Such expenses are usually significant for every company. 

  • All services are provided “turnkey”.

This is a comprehensive solution for clients, including comprehensive legal support from start to finish. This approach provides convenience, time savings and a guarantee of high-quality legal services within the framework of a specific project or long-term cooperation.

  • Contacting outsourcing lawyers will allow to solve any issues without interruptions for sick leave and vacation.

They promptly provide another lawyer in case of temporary absence of the consultant. Law firms work under a contract, where they prescribe uninterrupted provision of services.

  • High quality of services provided.

Companies value their reputation, so they provide high-quality services. Lawyers always study any problem in detail and offer several options for its solution. 

  • Work of lawyers with extensive experience.

All specialists regularly improve their knowledge in the field of various branches of law and improve their practical skills by regularly solving complex issues. This applies to work in the courtroom and at the workplace in the office. 

  • Provision of services of various profiles.

The involvement of specialists of different profiles allows to professionally deal with any problem.

Consulting companies that specialize in subscription services offer the client many different options. The following indicators are taken into account:

  • The planned amount of work.
  • Directions of the company’s activities.
  • The degree of legal awareness of the company’s management.
  • The presence of disputes with tax and other government agencies.
  • The frequency of dispute resolution in arbitration courts.
  • The possibility of business trips and participation in negotiations.
  • The need to support enforcement proceedings.

Subscription service as a legal service: what does it provide for the client?

  • Effective and fast regulation of various legal issues.
  • Optimization of travel expenses (if necessary, business trips of an active lawyer to another city to participate in the trial).
  • Easing the tax burden.
  • An expanded sphere of high qualification – simultaneous involvement of a wide range of specialists from various fields of law.
  • Full access to regulatory legislation and analysis of judicial practice.
  • The work of a lawyer with a broad profile competence.

Price of legal subscription service.

A lawyer’s subscription service is a set of legal services provided on a regular basis. The cost of service is calculated based on the selected package with a fixed tariff and monthly payment. The price is influenced by the professional level of specialists and the reputation of the law firm, which leads to a fairly large price spread.

The subscription legal services take into account the 20 most in-demand legal services, the integral involvement of which may be necessary in the process of the client’s firm’s activities.

Subscription legal services are a strategically important tool that provides clients with continuous and multifaceted access to highly qualified legal support. This innovative approach not only guarantees prompt resolution of current legal issues, but also contributes to preventive protection against potential risks, increases the level of legal readiness of the business and ensures a long-term strategic partnership between the client and the law firm. The advantages include not only financial predictability, but also adaptability to changing conditions, emphasizing the need for an integrated and individual approach to providing legal protection in a dynamic business environment.


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