Moscow technoparks entered the world rankings

The rating of the Association of Clusters noted 33 technoparks of the Russian Federation from 21 regions of the country. 6 technoparks out of 33 are located in the capital, moreover, such facilities as ELMA and POLYUS are among the top three.

The Moscow City Hall has long been committed to updating the innovative infrastructure of the capital.

The success of the metropolitan authorities in this direction is confirmed by the ELMA technopark, which is located in Zelenograd. More than 90 Russian companies are located there, employing almost 3,500 people.

Technopark “Elma” works in the following areas:

• instrumentation;

• development of security systems;

• electronics;

• development of 3D printers.

At the same time, the technopark from Konkov – POLYUS employs more than 2,000 people who create:

• laser technologies;

• fiber-optic systems;

• medical devices.

Currently, 42 technoparks are operating in the capital and 7 are under construction, the total number of employees is more than 70,000 people who work at 2,000 production facilities.

Additionally, the construction of a large technopark with an area of almost 30,000 square meters on the Novoskhodnenskoe Highway was agreed with the contractor.

The investor is ready to invest 1 billion rubles in a project that will provide at least 600 jobs.
