Entering the Russian Federation with temporary residence permit


Foreign citizens who plan to move to the Russian Federation can obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP). It allows to live and work freely in the country within three years as well as cross the Russian borders at any time. It also entitles the foreigner to apply for permanent residence permit (PRP).

Most foreigners consider temporary residence permit as a step on the way of getting Russian citizenship or permanent residence permit. They live in Russia using the permit for a year and then can apply for PRP. However, TRP itself has many advantages. In particular entering the Russian Federation with TRP is much more simplified for citizens of certain countries. It is not necessary to apply for visa, and the law does not restrict the number and frequency of entries and exits.

What rights do foreigners with TRP have

Temporary residence permit allows to work legally and do business. However, only in the region where the document has been issued. Meanwhile, it is not necessary to additionally buy patent or obtain work permit. Foreigner may also apply for a medical policy and get free medical care in public hospitals and clinics. A year after obtaining TRP, foreigner can apply for a permanent residence permit. This document, unlike the TRP, is perpetual.

To enter and leave Russia freely is another right that a temporary residence permit confers on a foreigner. There are no restrictions on entry to Russia with TRP. Therefore, you can go on a business trip, vacation or go home at any time to resolve family and personal issues. If necessary, you can cross the border at least every day, the main requirement is to stay abroad for less than 6 months a year. However, there are exceptions to this rule, but we will consider them later.

Please pay your attention to the important peculiarity: crossing the border in any direction is not restricted, but a foreign citizen with TRP will not be able to move freely around the country. It does not mean that a foreigner is prohibited from traveling in Russia. No one forbids you to go to the beach from Moscow to Sochi in the summer. However, to move from one region to another, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements and procedures established by law. Otherwise, regulatory authorities will consider moving around the country as an offense. This may be fraught not only with a fine, but also with problems with obtaining a permanent residence permit in future.

Is it allowed to leave Russia to TRP holders?

As for the travelling of a foreign citizen abroad, there are no legal restrictions. A foreigner can travel abroad as many times as necessary. The only condition is compliance with the Russian migration legislation regulating the foreigner’s period of stay abroad which cannot exceed 180 days within one calendar year. Violation of established limitations may result in cancellation of temporary residence permit.

Moving within Russia

A foreign citizen who has obtained temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation has the right to move around the country, but in compliance with all necessary legal requirements. If a foreigner decides to move to another region of Russia, he must comply with the following formalities:

1. to write an application for a change of residence and submit it to the territorial Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs at the place of TRP issuance. There are no legal requirements regarding the form of this application. It can be written in any form.

2. a foreign citizen will also need a temporary residence permit and an identity card. 

3. a foreign citizen must have reasons to change his place of residence, which may include:

  • illness of a relative and the need for constant care of him; 
  • purchase of real estate; 
  • need for treatment or rehabilitation in a medical facility; 
  • conclusion of an employment agreement; 
  • enrollment in an educational institution, etc.

The reason for the change of residence must be documented.

4. a foreign citizen will need a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Compliance with all above mentioned legislative requirements will allow a foreign citizen to legally change the place of residence and move to another region of the Russian Federation without any negative consequences from the side of regulatory authorities.

As it was already mentioned the foreign citizen’s personal wish to move to another Russian region is not a sufficient ground. If the foreign citizen will still decide to move to another region without any sufficient reason, he is at risk to lose his temporary residence permit because it can be cancelled.

In addition to the above circumstances and exceeding the period of stay abroad, there is a number of reasons why officials can cancel temporary residence permit. The law provides for the following reasons of TRP cancellation:

  • a foreigner poses ganger to the public security of the country;
  • is directly related to terrorist activities;
  • within 5 years before applying for TRP, was expelled or deported from the country;
  • submitted false documents or provided false information about himself;
  • has a criminal record for a serious offense on the territory of any state;
  • was brought to administrative liability at least twice during the last calendar year;
  • does not have a housing after three years of living in the country (including a rented apartment or room);
  • entered into a fictitious marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation in order to issue documents.

Compliance with Russian laws minimizes the risk of facing sanctions from regulatory authorities. Moreover, in such cases, it is possible to challenge their decision in administrative or judicial proceedings.


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