Business in the UAE: is it worth starting?


The United Arab Emirates market opens opportunities
for entrepreneurs from all over the world who are not only doing business with
the UAE but have relocated production to the country in full.

In this article, we will look at the reasons for the
UAE’s investment attractiveness.

The first reason is the systematic economic growth, by
the end of this year it will be more than 5 percent.

The English Economist magazine reports that the growth
rate has outpaced Mexico, Turkey, and China. If this trend continues, the UAE
will enter the top 20 countries with the most dynamically developing economy.

The second reason is the lack of inflation. The
exchange rate of the Arab dirham to the dollar has not changed for more than 50

The third reason is that there is also no corruption
in the country and programs to attract investors are working.

The business on average fixes a profit of 30 percent
on average. Such business profitability is guaranteed by low tax and customs

Moreover, the UAE is a transport hub that connects
European states with Africa and Asia. For this reason, the UAE is often called
the “gateway to the Arab world”.

After opening a business in Dubai, you will get a huge
sales market and low, and sometimes completely absent customs duties.

The Emirates are always interested in attracting
foreign investment, so after starting a business, you can easily legalize in
this country and get the same legal status as UAE citizens.

Business gives the right to obtain the status of a
resident of the UAE, as a result, you will be able to change the status of a
tax resident, which looks very attractive in conditions of low rates.

The procedure for starting a business in the UAE is
transparent and extremely understandable to any potential entrepreneur. You
will be able to start your own business in the UAE, there is no need to involve

The UAE is an open country that is always waiting for
new investors, has created the most comfortable conditions for any business,
both small and large.

Детали конференции тут  Программа конференции Управление юридической фирмой (


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